Saturday, November 24, 2012

Baby Shower

We can't wait to meet the newest addition! Thanks to Melissa for organizing the girls' celebration yesterday!
He had a great time watching "Skyfall" last night: kicking and generally making Mom uncomfortable in the Luxe seats!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Here we go! Parked at a funny little hotel with only three bags between us! Yay Boston!!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Our feet are at the Marine Corps Ball!

How you know your best friends love you

my placecard: "Naomi Halasz"

Friday, November 16, 2012

Eastern Washington

I am out in Spokane this weekend for the Marine Corps Ball with Erin and Brent! I pulled over and got some beautiful shots of the mountains on my camera and was surprised by the contrast with the valley, pictured here. It was very monochromatic! More pictures to come! Xoxo

Sunday, November 11, 2012


I've had a really great few days, and I'm excited to share them!
 I found a watch tower looking out over the Puget Sound in downtown Olympia on Saturday when I was wandering around.  I got to go to the Olympia Farmer's Market (this is their website!), wandered around the little independent shops, and had a pretty great breakfast.  Then Kem and I got to cook together!

Why do fowl love me?

Ben, Aya, Steven, and I walked to Magnusen Park on Friday.  It was a beautiful, brisk day!


"Aya, do you want to play or chill?"
"Chill, please!"

 Kem and Sophie were dancing and playing...till the kisses began and the fun was called off.

Tree shadows=sunshine!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

I was so thankful for the sunshine yesterday! It turns out I'm Much happier when it isn't raining. It might be a long winter....

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sunshine for the first time in a week. What a pleasant start to my weekend!