Ok, I know I often say that my life is great, but that's because it is! Oakland ("The bellybutton of everything up-and-coming") is proving to be a vibrant city that is having growing pains and major accomplishments, not to mention minor little beauties.
One of these beauties is the Piedmont Piano Company (
http://www.piedmontpiano.com/). I first went for a Brazilian jazz guitar concert, which was incredible and Tuesday took my first voice lesson there. I loved it! The teacher has an incredibly rich voice and it was so fun to do something totally engrossing but not physically demanding. More to come!
There is, dangerously, a small outlet strip mall close to work. Pootz loves when I go shopping and come back with crinkly bags he can play in. Apparently he also loves shoes....
Pootz and boots
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving with my coworkers at a Mexican restaurant and then a relaxing weekend before I head off to Boston early Tuesday! Horray!