We drove down Friday night after work to spend the weekend with Kait, Mike, Ralph, Nathalie, Ali, and Matt. After Kait set up the air mattress, Ralph promptly took his side and slept all night!
You're up too early: I'm going back to sleep
Saturday was chilly and drizzly, which turned out to be perfect baby-cuddling weather!
This is Charlotte, a friend's sweet baby
Saturday night we met up with my good friend Josh and his girlfriend for dinner, which was really fun.
This morning was breakfast with everyone, more pastries (yum!!), and more Nathalie time!
Nathalie got really warm under the heating lamp!
After breakfast Josh and I worked out while Brit explored Santa Monica (what a guy: giving me three unpressured hours to workout with one of my best friends!)
A piece of pride birthday cake and a long drive home rounded out a really great weekend!