Wanted to make a "thank you" for a big kindness of one of the nurses at work, and so decided tiramisu would be a good recipe (he said to make my best!) I also wanted to make roasted veggies, boil my remaining eggs, and try again for the gluten-free banana bars. Now I'm pooped!
Tofu to go with the veggies-garam masala is delicious!

Putting the Yuma sunshine to work-green mint tea tomorrow!
Mascarpone and egg yolks...I hear it is tasty....

So it is waayyy too hot in my apartment to make whipped cream. I froze my sauce pan to mix in and beat the cream in my doorway. If they didn't already think I was crazy, I'm sure my neighbors are really talking now!
Assemblage and finished products. The round one is gluten-free (just sans lady fingers)

Farm-fresh eggs from my boss' chickens. They're so pretty--some brown, some blue/green.
I'll keep you posted how the latest gluten-free banana bars turned out. Fingers crossed!
What a great day!
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