I got to be a part of a BBC-filmed flash mob on Monday: we listened to an MP3 and then followed the directions, taking photos and posting them to Twitter.
"Take a photo of the person next to you" |
"Take a photo of the Golden Gate Bridge" It's there, I promise |
"Take a photo of Steven Johnson" |
"Take an interesting photo" |
"Who is Steven Johnson" |
Pootz and I got presents in the mail...thanks Emmy!
I went last night halfway across the new bridge that runs between San Francisco and Oakland to Treasure Island (click here for info) and got to see some amazing views of San Fran. It really is a treasure!
"bliss" statue http://sfpublicpress.org/news/2011-06/bliss-dance
The bridge running toward Oakland, which really feels like home now! |
Tomorrow I'm hoping to go up the Coit Tower to get amazing views of the city (provided the fog cooperates). Then Washington for the weekend, Ohio Tuesday/Wednesday. Phew! This life is amazing!
I hope that the instructions also included getting the name and contact information for the person standing next to you.