In answer to Melissa's question, the strawberry chia jam is really tasty, after some tweeks! I'm finding my belly really is responding better to as natural food as I can get, and this is pretty great. Next time I'll put the strawberries in first, as the ground chia got a little stuck under the blades of my new tiny (perfect for the tiny apartment) food processor.
First I grind about 1/4 C chia seeds in my coffee/spice grinder

This is Herman, my new tiny friend.
A packet of True Lemon (dehydrated lemon juice) and about 1C-1 1/4C thawed frozen strawberries
Go Herman, go!

The chia will gel up more overnight in the fridge, making the perfect jam consistency. The original recipe didn't grind the chia and instead had you soak them for 20 minutes. This also makes them gel, but the seeds themselves stay whole, and I'm not a fan of really seedy jam. Try it! Totally tasty and fresh. I orginally put a bit of stevia in, but don't really think it needs the sweetness. Enjoy!
Thanks! I'll give it a whirl.