Thursday, December 29, 2016

Matter of Balance

I'm teaching a fall prevention/empowerment class and today was our third day. I have brought healthy snacks (crackers, fruit) each day and today one of the participants brought treats she had made! So great!


Sunday, December 25, 2016

Chilly walk to church!

But worth it to walk home hunting Pokémon!





Being an auntie is the best

Tonight I got to paint Aya's nails, help May in the bath, and scare Steven by hiding out under his covers for at least 20 minutes until he came to bed. He and Benjamin were in and out twice without seeing me and somehow Aya didn't give me away by giggling!

Steven was surprised but not scared, so I'll call that a success!



Friday, December 23, 2016

Quick catch up

With photos from November and December!

Pootz loves our new rug!
I'm settling in with some new furniture 
More to come! Xoxo



Fingers Crossed!

Benjamin introduced me to a different app to continue blogging...hopefully I can make it work!
Aya cleaned her room and "made it like a hotel" for me this weekend. She is such a sweet, considerate girl!
It feels so good to be with my family 💕