Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Have fuzzy slippers

Will travel! I'm all set for Italy now!



This is what happens when you blog sleepy: I accidentally posted onto Marrok's blog instead of mine! Head over there for the Lunar New Year post!


Sunday, February 21, 2016

Farm Share

I decided to subscribe to a farm share (CSA) to increase the variety of food we eat and also save some money. Tonight I managed to use 2/3 of the produce in one meal!
It isn't pretty, but I made Lebanese lentil soup with CSA red spring onions, carrots, spinach, and lemons, roasted CSA fennel and celery root, and CSA fennel frond pesto with lemon juice. It was so tasty and flavorful! 


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Friday, February 12, 2016

Chinese New Year 2!

We are in the thick of celebrating Chinese New Year at Hong Fook! Things are pretty much the same as last year, so not too many photos. I was, however, given this new jacket from Hong Kong: it is hand embroidered and, though too big, my clients loooove that I wear traditional clothing!
More photos to come after Tuesday, when we have the lion dancers back!


Monday, February 1, 2016

Chilly Weekend in Seattle

We went up to see the kiddos this weekend and had so much fun! I am always impressed with Ben and Lia for making sure the kids are outside playing no matter what! The kids love it!
We went to the best park ever: there is a playground, a field for playing football, a bridge over train tracks, and a beach! Mr. Brit and Aya found this little guy. "He has a smiley face!"
Maylin is growing so quickly! She runs all over, loves to play, and is such a little sweetie!
"I'm cool like Daddy"
