Monday, June 1, 2015

Hiking in Yosemite

 Saturday I went hiking while the guys climbed difficult routes.  I had planned to start at Happy Isles and hike to Clouds Rest and back, about 22 miles.  About 3 miles from the end, the sense of foreboding I felt when I first read the sign about Clouds Rest being a "high bear activity area" got the best of me.  I had no protection on and my food wasn't properly stored for bear country.  I turned around and went to the base of Half Dome instead.  I didn't go all the way up because you need a permit: Hiking Half Dome.  These younger people told me there wasn't a ranger and so I could go...I think they missed the point!  It was a beautiful hike regardless with views of the High Sierras, redwoods, waterfalls and streams, and just good time in the sun.


Very peaceful

I'm terrible at selfies

Half Dome from a distance

Nevada Falls

I was able to hang out at Nevada Falls for a bit, met some interesting people along the way, and enjoyed a strawberry popsicle and a walk in the icy river when I returned to camp.  Pretty great way to spend a weekend!


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