Monday, April 18, 2016

White Whale

Last year, I attempted the 21 mile hike from Yosemite Valley to Cloud's Rest, arguably one of the most difficult and rewarding hikes from the Valley. I didn't make it for several reasons (including bear warnings) and was determined to finish it this year. Deciding there is no time like the present, I set out to "bag" it this time. 
I set out early, which meant it was very chilly when I left! Two pairs of pants, four shirts, and a hand warmer (you know me!!) kept me warm enough and were shed along the way. 
It was awesome to see how much more water there was all over the park because of El NiƱo, but it made for some treacherous conditions in a few spots (especially early, when entire portions of the trail were ice!) The top of the hike was enshrouded in icy snow, which was kind of scary and meant I didn't take a ton of photos. 
Snow on the High Sierras
First encounter of snow on the trail: I didn't know what I was in for!

You can't really see (it was sooo bright and I couldn't tell what I was photographing), but the part of the trail past the tree is a waterfall right where I should be hiking. Definitely some fun problem solving on this hike!

A view of Half Dome I haven't seen before!

"Huh, that's a lot of snow. Where did the trail go?" From here, I went straight up to the top, which seemed safer and more do-able. It turns out everyone else did, too: I saw about three other tracks. The snow was quite deep (13"?) but melting quickly because it was very warm. I think this is the last weekend I would want to hike up there before the snow pack melts so much that it is dangerous to walk on.

I don't remember what I was going for here...;-)
I went as high up at the summit as felt safe. If you know me, you know this means I made it to the flat, rocky part, took photos, and hightailed it back down the snow!!! I can't handle sheer drop offs.

"Hike around there on ice to get the 360* views? No, thank you". I figure I can always approach it from the other direction, which is significantly shorter and easier, some time in the future and get the "full view". For now, I am counting this!!

The trail was much less icy but also much wetter on the way back down. Nevada Falls was raging!

It was wonderful to see so much water, though I know the drought isn't over. Please note the wooden railing at the bottom of the photo: I take my safety very seriously and won't get anywhere near the water!!!

"I did it!!"


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