Saturday, January 28, 2012

Telegraph Pass

The gate was closed when we got there this morning, so I went back once it got a bit warmer.  This is the steepest climb I've ever done and the view at the top is amazing!  A total time of 2 hours in and back, including the little spot where I got lost (what can I say, I'm a Halasz girl...)

Looking down at the trail I was supposed to follow...

 The riverbed I climbed down back to the real trail-rocky!

This is the point where I started huffing and puffing: not even halfway up the big hill!

 The little flowers made it fun

The trail is showing in the bottom corners-it was really far down!

 Looking down and seeing all of Yuma is pretty neat!
 This picture doesn't really do the hike justice-there are people down on the path, you just can't see them because I'm so far up!
Soooo beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. Very neat! And flowers blooming in January-wow!
    Love, Mom
