Thursday, February 2, 2012

Baking in Yuma Take 2

Last night was gluten-free browniesto take into work....far more successful than the cookies! I'm not sure how they were, but they sure smelled good, and the recipe was really easy.  I ended up going back out to the store (3 blocks away) to get the saucepan, since the recipe says not to use a cast iron enameled one.

One more day off tomorrow--I really want to get back up to the pass, go to the downtown farmers' market, and I'm going running with Ranie, a new friend from work, and his friend.  Fun!  Also, the house went up for sale yesterday, so fingers crossed and praying hard!

 I made real lunch, dinner, and brownies...and maxed out my kitchen!

Hard to tell, but the small building between the telephone poles is the hospital where I now work.  I literally walk to work in 7 minutes!  And look how blue the sky is!

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